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Requesting Your Support for Foundation

Our Foundation give 100% of the donations, and itself lives on private funds from you and our Online Store, as well as advertising.
You can help us, so that we can continue to work and do more, by making a donation to our foundation, for its development and activities, or by buying products in our store.

To make a donation to our Foundation, and people working there, please fill up this form:

UAWF Visiting Card eng

Donate UAWF

Help us make a difference


Thank you for your donation!

UAWF Visiting Card PL

Or send to our account, with a note:

"UAWF", “Work”, or other according to our events.

Lloyds Bank

Sort code 30-13-30

Account 19411968


If you are sending a donation from outside the UK:


IBAN: GB82 LOYD 3013 3019 4119 68


We are very grateful for all donations!


Yours sincerely
Under Angels Wings Foundation

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